2025 Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees
Global Korea Scholarship is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea at graduate-level degrees, which will enhance international education exchange and deepen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries.
※ As Korean Government Scholarship Programs have been integrated and branded as Global Korea Scholarship in 2010, the name is changed to GKS (Global Korea Scholarship).
1. Total Number of Grantees: 1 student
2. Duration of Scholarship
o Master’s Degree program : 3 years
- 1 year of Korean language program
- 2 years of degree program
o Doctoral Degree Program : 4 years
- 1 year of Korean language program
- 3 years of regular degree program
Please submit the scholarship applications by post or email to the below given address. Applicants must submit their scholarship applications no later than 23:59(AEDT) Friday, 28 February 2025.
ㅇ Application Deadline : 23:59(AEDT) Friday, 28 February 2025
**Applications received after the deadline, will not be accepted.
ㅇ Postal address :
The Embassy of the Republic of Korea (Cultural Affairs Section)
113 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla, ACT 2600 Australia
ㅇ Tel : +61-2-6270-4128
ㅇ E-mail: culture-au@mofa.go.kr
For further information regarding the scholarship kindly visit the website:
Thank you.
Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Commonwealth of Australia